Wills, Kate Middleton to soon announce engagement, claims BBC

London, May 24 : Prince William and Kate Middleton will soon be announcing their engagement, according to the BBC.

The corporation is so sure that wedding bells are on the cards that it has commissioned a new documentary of the couple to be broadcast on the night their engagement is officially announced.

"Believe me, in these straightened times, we would not be spending money on this programme if we had not been assured that they were definitely going to get engaged," the Telegraph quoted a senior BBC executive as saying.

A representative for Clarence House has said that it knows about the documentary but refused to co-operate with the producers.

Officially, the BBC is keen to dismiss suggestions that it has been tipped off.

"We plan ahead for different eventualities. The relationship is an area that our viewers are very interested in,” the spokesman said.

The spokesman refused to reveal how much the documentary will cost. (ANI)
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