Paltrow asked director to inspect boobs before signing her for film

London, May 18 : American actress Gwyneth Paltrow reportedly asked `Two Lovers' director James Gray to inspect her boobs before signing her for the nude scenes in his movie.

Gray, 40, revealed that Paltrow, 36, had asked him to her trailer to have a look at her twin assets, as she was afraid that after having two kids she might not be in shape anymore for nude scenes.

"Gwyneth told me `I don''t care about nudity, I''ll give you everything you need. But I''ve had two children and I just don''t think they look very good any more. Do me a favour, come into my trailer and I''ll show them to you and if you think they look OK I''ll do it'," the Sun quoted him as saying.(ANI)
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