When Will Smith punched Charlize Theron in the face

Charlize Theron was punched in the face by Will smith the very first time they worked together.

The duo starred together in 2000''s ''The Legend of Bagger Vance'', and, at the same time, Will was preparing to portray legendary boxer Muhammad Ali.

And once, the 'I am Legend' actor got carried away showing off his fighting skills and punched the 'Monster' actress, right in her face, reports the China Daily.

"The first time I worked with him he punched me in the face. He was training for ''Ali''. I encouraged him to show me a couple of moves. I was completely knocked out!" said Theron.

And the 33-year-old actress, who teamed up with the 40-year-old star again for superhero movie ''Hancock'' last year, has claimed that she loves working with Will, despite falling victim to his powerful punch.

She added: "Seriously, though, I''d be happy to be punched out by Will anytime. He swore to me that it was an accident." (ANI)
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