Gwyneth Kate Paltrow talks of former wrecked relationship

London, May 21 : `Iron Man' star Gwyneth Paltrow has opened up about a former lover of hers, whose obsession with drugs and alcohol wrecked their relationship.

Paltrow, 36, who is now married to Coldplay rocker Chris Martin, refused to name the former lover, but said that she felt very miserable with him, especially after his addictions got out of control.

"When I was much younger I was involved with somebody where they weren''t married but were into drugs and alcohol... I was obsessed with why this person wasn't showing up," the Daily Express quoted her as saying.

"I was raised by people who made me feel really good about myself. I still got caught up in this thing of, `What''s wrong with me? Why isn''t this turning out the way I want?'" she added.
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