David Hasselhoff’s ex-wife asking for spousal support after death

Washington, May 12: David Hasselhoff's ex-wife Pamela Bach has demanded a court order to guarantee that she continues to receive spousal support payments from the actor in case of his death.

The former couple had ended their 16-year marriage in 2006, and subsequently endured a lengthy divorce trial.

A year following the divorce, Hasselhoff''s health was publicly questioned when his alcohol problems were exposed after home video footage of the actor in a drunken state leaked onto the Internet.

Later, Bach made public pleas for the actor's health, and admitted that she was worried that he could drink himself to death.

Then, the 56-year-old star checked into a rehabilitation facility in a bid to kick his drink demons.

And now, TMZ. com has reported that Bach has taken action on her concern, and has asked a California judge to order Hasselhoff to maintain his current life insurance policy, which would pay her spousal support from beyond his grave. (ANI)
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