Jessica Claire Biel says being beautiful is ''really a problem''

Washington, May 20 : She has it all: Stunning looks, perfect figure and a hot boyfriend. But, according to Jessica Biel, being too good-looking can be a problem for an actress.

In a new interview with Allure magazine, the "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" actress, who's dating hunky singer Justin Timberlake, says her good looks get in the way of her acting career.

"It really is a problem, I have to be blunt," FOX News quoted her, as saying.

"I just want an opportunity. If you don't like the audition, then don't hire me. But if you don't want to see me, that's hurtful," she adds.

Still, the star says she has "a lot to do, careerwise".

And when it comes to her lover boy, Jessica says she isn''t sure if she and Justin will ever tie the knot.
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