Paris Hilton neighbour offers landlord money to boot her out of new pad

London, May 18 : American socialite Paris Hilton's neighbour is apparently so fed up with her that he has offered her landlord money to boot her out of the new pad she got just a week ago.

It has been just five days since Hilton, 28, moved to the new pad in the Hollywood Hills, but the police have already been called twice because of `loud parties, screaming and yelling, and vandalism'.

According to US website TMZ, a neighbour of hers has become so fed up with the disturbances that he wrote a letter to Hilton and her fella Doug Reinhardt's landlord, reports the Sun.

In the letter, the neighbour offered to pay the landlord 3,200 pounds a month more than he's getting now, if he gave the two the boot.

The neighbour allegedly says the hotel heiress is ruining his life, and he''s willing to stump up almost 18,000 pounds to get rid of her.
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