Heather Mills to have veggie cooking display with local chefs

It seems that Sir Paul McCartney's former wife Heather Mills wants to follow in the footsteps of her marital predecessor Linda McCartney, for she has opened a vegetarian restaurant.

Mills, 41, has her restaurant near Brighton, and she has offered cooking displays in the town to be held on May 16, and she will be joining chefs from local restaurants in displaying her skills.

McCartney's late first wife Linda had created a huge business empire out of her passion for vegetarianism, putting her name to a range of meat-free food.

The former model had bought The Big Fish Cafe in Hove for 140,000 pounds in March, and she plans on serving only "plant-based" foods.

"Linda eventually became more famous for her veggie food than her photography and it would appear that Heather has set her sights on a similar career path," the Daily Express quoted a local as saying.

"She may not be a trained chef but will be on stage this weekend alongside the likes of Mike Dodd from Fatboy Slim star Norman Cook's Japanese restaurant Oki-Nami and Sussex Young Chef of the Year Ben Goldsmith.

"Audience members will be able to chat to the chefs, so it should be an interesting preview of what she plans to do with her new venture, not to mention a little insight into what Paul used to get for his tea," the local added.

But it seems that Mills has treaded on the toes of former owner Nick Short, as he has accused her of beating down the originally agreed purchase price from 255,000 pounds and of failing to keep the cafe's old staff.

"I have been well and truly worked over by Heather," he said. (ANI)
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