In pictures: Michael Jackson funeral

The funeral of singer Michael Jackson has been held at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California.

Mourners waited for over an hour as the performer's family travelled from their home in neighbouring suburb Encino.

The late pop star's family - including Jackson's sister LaToya - arrived in a motorcade of 31 vehicles.

It was after dark by the time Jackson's parents Katherine and Joe took their seats.

Michael Jackson's brothers all wore a single white glove in memory of their legendary sibling.

Comedian Chris Tucker, star of the Rush Hour action comedies, was among the other guests in attendance.

Record producer Quincy Jones was one of many famous faces from the world of music.

Dame Elizabeth Taylor, a friend of Jackson's, was photographed as she arrived for the 45-minute service.

Former Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin attended the funeral with actress girlfriend Mila Kunis.

Jackson's son Prince Michael was seen leaving the cemetery in a bus with family members.
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