Elton says he wants to adopt boy

Sir Elton said he and partner David Furnish had often discussed adoption
Sir Elton John has said he wants to adopt a toddler he met during a visit to an orphanage in Ukraine.

The 62-year-old singer had performed at the orphanage, where some of the children's parents had died of Aids.

Sir Elton said during a news conference that he had always rejected the idea of adoption because of his age and his lifestyle of regularly being on tour.

But he said a 14-month-old boy called Lev had "stolen his heart" and forced him to consider a change of mind.

'Wouldn't be fair'

Sir Elton said he and partner David Furnish, 46, were asked whether they thought of adopting.

He said: "David and I have always talked about adoption, David always wanted to adopt a child and I always said 'no' because I am 62 and I think because of the travelling I do and the life I have, maybe it wouldn't be fair for the child.

"What better opportunity to replace someone I lost than to replace him with someone I can give a future to" Sir Elton John.

"But having seen Lev today, I would love to adopt him. I don't know how we do that but he has stolen my heart. And he has stolen David's heart and it would be wonderful if we can have a home. I've changed my mind today."

The singer added that the death of his long-term keyboardist, Guy Babylon, had also influenced his decision.

"Last week I lost one of my best friends; my keyboard player died of a heart attack at 52.

"It broke my heart because he was such a genius and so young and has two wonderful children.

"What better opportunity to replace someone I lost than to replace him with someone I can give a future to."

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