Miley Cyrus Tweets Her Tolerance

Miley Cyrus and Miss USA contestant Carrie Prejean don't see eye to eye on the issue of gay marriage—and the Hannah Montana actress is making the distinction known via the magic of Twitter.

Though she lost the Miss USA competition on Sunday, Miss California Prejean made headlines this week, due to her answer to a judge's question about the legalization of gay marriage.

"In my country, and in my family, I believe that a marriage should be between a man and a woman," Prejean replied.

Earlier this week, Prejean defended her statement, calling it "biblically correct."

Now Cyrus has reached out to that particular judge, letting him know that - despite her own devotion to the Lord's teachings—she sits on the opposite side of the fence from the beauty-pageant contestant when it comes to the topic of gay marriage.

"That's lame!" Cyrus wrote in a series of tweets that began yesterday morning. "God's greatest commandment is to love. and judging is not loving. thats why christians have such a bad rep."

Later, she added, "Jesus loves you AND your partner and wants you to know how much he cares! That's like a daddy not loving his lil boy cuz hes gay."

And now we know where Miley Cyrus stands on the subject of gay marriage. One more thing to thank God for.
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