Britney's Circus: Starring Kim and Khloe!

I went to see Britney Spears in concert with Khloe, Farnaz and Alex. Melody Thorton of The Pussycat Dolls, who is a good friend of mine, was so nice to get us tickets! We went back stage after The Pussycat Dolls performed and saw all the Dolls, talked to Nicole about how we look like twins, and it made me miss Melody because I haven't seen her in forever! I am so proud of her and was just so happy to see her perform. The anticipation was mounting as Britney was about to go on... we were so excited! I got a chance to catch up with her family backstage.

I met Jamie Lynn who is such a sweet and beautiful girl. What a great family! Then we moved into the sound booth to watch the show! I cant believe we got to see the show from the sound booth! Maybe my pictures can show you how close we were! We sat on crates! We didnt even have seats! It was the best concert ever! Me and Khloe are such huge Britney fans. She was absolutely amazing! Have you guys been to see her in concert yet?
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