His mom brings heat as galpal’s baby eyed

Tiger Woods with his mother, Kultida.
Tiger Woods is “doing everything he can to save his marriage,” while his mother is “hurt, angry and disappointed” and worried about her grandchildren, celebrity gossip sites reported yesterday.

Tag: Tiger Woods to take ‘indefinite’ leave from golf

As the sordid tale of the golfer’s infidelity continues to drag on, celebrity Web site RadarOnline, citing a friend, dropped the explosive bomb that his purported cougar girlfriend Theresa Rogers wanted to have a baby with him and that the paternity of a baby girl she did have, though not thought to be his, remains uncertain.

Citing another friend, RadarOnline reported yesterday the disgraced duffer is looking at a “lonely holiday” on his 135-foot yacht, Privacy. The source said, “He needs to clear his head for a while. He needs to process everything.”

Despite numerous reports that his humiliated Swedish wife, Elin Nordegren, wants a divorce - 14 reported mistresses is more than she can bear - another celebrity Web site, TMZ, cited a source who said Tiger is making “lots of phone calls,” desperately trying to convince her to stay.

Also yesterday, People magazine cited a family friend as saying Tiger’s mother, Kultida Woods, is “hurt, angry and disappointed in Tiger. She wants to know how he could do this to his family.”

“She loves him and will support him through anything, but she needs some time to work through this,” the source said. “It was devastating to her. She likes Elin, and adores her grandchildren. She’s worried about them. She doesn’t want to see them hurt.”

Meanwhile, Tiger Woods is in no way linked to the drug-related criminal charges brought against a Canadian sports doctor who treated the superstar golfer, the doctor’s lawyer said outside a Canadian courtroom yesterday.

“Any suggestion of any linkage to Tiger Woods is nonexistent,” said Dr. Anthony Galea’s lawyer, Brian H. Greenspan.
By Herald Staff.
Photo by AP

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