12 Pictures Stephen Gately's funeral

Family and friends gathered at St Laurence O' Toole Church in Dublin to pay an emotional tribute to former Boyzone singer Stephen Gately, who died last week.

Ronan Keating made an emotional tribute to his bandmate, frequently breaking down as he delivered his eulogy. "The world has lost one of its brightest stars, we have lost our brother," he said.

The remaining members of Boyzone had spent the night in the church with Gately's body after accompanying it back from Majorca. They sang Westlife song "In this Life" during the service.

Boyzone manager Louis Walsh said he had been left "completely broken" by Gately's death. He had created the band in 1990.

The singer's parents Margaret and Martin, his brothers Mark, Alan and Tony and sister Michelle all attended the ceremony. His family and close friends had attended a private service on Friday night.

Gately's family and partner Andrew Cowles asked mourners to make donations to the Caudwell Children Charity, for which Gately was an ambassador, rather than send flowers.

Members of Westlife, former Irish taoiseach Bertie Ahern, Jason Donovan and Shayne Ward were among the mourners at the ceremony.

David Furnish, who introduced Gately to Andrew Cowles, attended the ceremony on behalf of his partner Elton John who was unable to break tour commitments.

Hundreds of fans, from as far afield as Tawain gathered outside the church for the service, many laying flowers outside the church.

Boyzone was Gately's family, Louis Walsh said. "We all want to celebrate Stephen's life and remember him for all the warmth, humour and love that Stephen exuded," he said.

The singer will be cremated at the city's Glasnevin Cemetery before 450 guests attend a funeral party at a hotel.

Gately died last week aged 33, at his Majorca holiday home. Post mortem tests found he died of natural causes.

Pictures by: Getty Image and PA
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