Rihanna will testify against Chris Brown

Rihanna’s lawyer has confirmed she will testify against her boyfriend, singer Chris Brown, if she is subpoenaed to appear in court.

The R&B singer, who is currently fighting two felony charges of assaulting the pop princess, is currently free on $50,000 (£35,700) bail after he was granted a continuance at his arraignment hearing on 5th March 2009.

Brown is due back in court on April 6th 2009 where his girlfriend may be called to testify against him by prosecutors, adamant to put the famous singer up to the full extent of the law.

Brown allegedly beat up Rihanna in a late-night row on the 8th February 2009 which left her face battered and bruised.

The attack allegedly occurred after the 21-year-old singer discovered a three-page text message from his former lover on his mobile phone.

Brown tried to push Rihanna out of the car but failed to do so as she was wearing a seatbelt. He then allegedly punched her and threatened, “I’m going to beat the s*** out of you when we get home. You wait and see!’

It was reported that Rihanna attempted to call her assistant but received her answerphone, were she pretended to tell her to call the police.

The testimony of Detective De Shon Andrews, from Los Angeles Police Department, detail that Brown threw a ‘barrage of punches’ at Rihanna’s face, bit her ear and pressed her neck until she almost passed out.

The attack was reported to have caused Rihanna’s mouth to fill with blood, which splattered all over her clothing. The papers suggest that injured Rihanna managed to free herself by kicking Brown away and gouging his eyes. A passerby called the police after they heard Rihanna’s screams and cries for help.

Recent reports have suggested Rihanna has reconciled with the singer and was in Los Angeles with him. Her lawyer Donald Etra told MTV news, “”She is planning to do everything that the law requires her to do. If she is required to testify, she will do so.” Etra was overheard telling Brown in court on Thursday 5th March that Rihanna ‘would like this to be over as quickly as possible.’

He further went on to tell Us Weekly magazine, “Rhianna desires that it (the case) be quick and expeditious. She wants to get back to her life and her career.”

Brown could face up to four years and eight months in jail if convicted.
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