Celebs probed over sex clips

Television presenter Luna Maya (left) and model Cut Tari (centre) were allegedly having sex with singer Ariel Peterpan (right) in separate videos that were posted online on Friday and Tuesday respectively.
JAKARTA - THREE Indonesian celebrities who allegedly appeared in sex videos posted on the Internet will be questioned over possible breaches of a new anti-pornography law, police said yesterday.

Two explicit clips widely circulated online this week appear to show popular singer Ariel Peterpan having sex with television presenter Luna Maya, his current girlfriend, and model Cut Tari, his former girlfriend.

Six-minute and two-minute clips were posted on the Internet last Friday apparently showing him in bed with Luna in a hotel. They quickly made the rounds on websites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Another clip hit the Internet on Tuesday allegedly showing Ariel having sex with Cut, who is married.

The term 'Ariel Peterporn' subsequently became one of the most popular searches on Twitter this week, beating hot topics such as the launch of the latest iPhone.

Chief police detective Ito Sumardi said the celebrities would be asked how the clips had appeared on the Internet, Agence France-Presse reported.


Hot Video of Ariel Peterpan and Cut Tari

Ariel Peterpan created a new sensation after his video with celebrity luna maya which spread viral in the internet.Now Ariel Peterpan is back with another hot video with cut tari. Now the Hot Video of Cut Tari and Ariel peterpan is circulating in the internet. The video was seems taken at a luxury hotel room.

Its been disclosed by Abhimanyu Wachjoewidajat multimedia practitioners, while talking with detikhot by phone on Tuesday (06/08/2010).The Video been taken viral through forums

Cut Tari in the video wearing a blue dress with a black tank top innards. .

Is it true star in the video that’s the question?But the videos of Ariel Peterpan and Cut Tari really Hot.

Luna Maya, Ariel Get Indecent Proposal; Cut Tari Denies Nude Woman is Her

High-profile porn star Vicky Vette, no doubt seeking a little extra publicity given the online popularity of the Peterporn celebrity sex tape scandal, has expressed her willingness to shoot a new pornographic video with Ariel and Luna Maya.

"If ARIEL PETERPORN & Luna Maya come to the USA I'll shoot another sex tape with both of them," the buxom actress tweeted. " wonder if that would be a hit in Indonesia."

Model and television gossip show host Cut Tari, meanwhile, has broken her silence over allegations that she features in a third sex tape featuring Peterpan frontman Ariel, telling reporters gathered outside her Pondok Indah home on Wednesday night that the person featured in the graphic clip was not her.

"In my opinion, everyone has a right to express an opinion and I can't ban that as that's their right," Cut Tari was quoted by Kompass.com as saying. "The point is my husband and family do not believe that the lady is me."

She said that she was shocked and disappointed about the circulation of the video but that was one of the risks - including for her husband - of being a celebrity.

Cut Tari is a former girlfriend of Ariel.

Luna and Ariel have also reportedly denied that two film clips feature themselves, though a number of Internet bloggers and at least one Internet expert have claimed otherwise.

Regardless, the trio will get their chance to argue their case before the National Police, who have taken over the investigation from Jakarta Police.
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